Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Dogs can eat apples. Apples are a healthy, low-calorie dog treat. They provide a good source of vitamins A and C and fiber, which can contribute to a dog’s digestive health. However, there are a few essential things to keep in mind:

  1. Core and Seeds: Always remove the apple core and seeds before giving apples to your dog. The seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, which is toxic in large quantities. The core can also pose a choking hazard.
  2. Moderation: As with any treat, apples should be given to your dog in moderation. Too much can cause stomach upset or diarrhea, mainly if your dog isn’t used to eating them.
  3. Wash Thoroughly: Make sure to wash the apples thoroughly to remove any pesticides or chemicals from the skin.
  4. Suggestions: Apples can be served raw, sliced into bite-sized pieces, or frozen for a crunchy treat. Avoid processed apples containing added sugar or spices, such as those in apple pie or apple sauce with added sugar.

Always observe your dog the first few times they eat apples to ensure they do not have an allergic reaction, and consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about introducing new foods into your dog’s diet.

Click below to see a video of our dogs eating apples.

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